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When She became He

......... It started with her smile, her whole face smiled, a lovely slim neck down to firm shoulders down to perfect breasts. OMG, perfect ski jump breasts with dark pink, nearly rose coloured nipples. They say a picture is worth a thousand words..........., I think they are right, I couldn't see her cock from this angle but all I had to do was rewind the film, just a little.

It wasn't long, it wasn't fat, it was cut and the head.........., I hit zoom. It was one of those with a very flared head, you know the type, once they're in the ridge stops it from slipping out, and, if the owner knows' how to use it, You can feel it, your cunt just grabs it. Opp's, I felt a tissue touch my lips. I don't think 'leaking' was the correct term just now.

She had got to the top of my thighs, on the outside and I followed her fingers in my mind as they caressed their way up to my shoulders. I knew she was going to start working down. I knew I was going to climax when she got to my breasts. Somehow I also knew she was getting her pleasure by giving me pleasure. I didn't just relax, I let my body go. I was floating in a sea of sensations, I was 'feeling me', feeling good.

It was as if I had left my body and was looking down, seeing and feeling.
I was in a new state, one I had honestly never been in before. I loved it, a state of pleasure with a touch of sexual feeling. The normal for me was a state of sexual feeling with a touch of pleasure, my whole world had been turned upside down and inside out by her/him, whatever. Fuck it felt good............, then, it just got better.

This was another place I had never been, woman on woman, but, the feeling of her breast on my beast, her hard nipples on my hard nipples, first softly then harder.......OH YES, OH FUCK............., a tissue was not going to help now. I climaxed.

It was the hardest thing I had ever done..............., nothing.

I didn't just lie there, my body was moving............, but it was her, she was giving, just as I knew she wanted to and I was receiving, not taking. Heaven.

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