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When She became He

Once inside I decided to do some more careful planning, 1 put the milk away, 2 put the kettle on, 3 run a bath, 4 undress, 5 put the wet dirty clothes in the washing machine, 6 check the bath, 7 check the kettle and make a coffee, 7,no 8 check the bath, it should be ready, 9 answer the damn phone. It was ringing again but I didn't want to answer, just yet, I blamed them, whoever for my misfortune. I needed my coffee first. I was feeling better all ready and turned................, and stubbed my big toe. Walking shoes verses stairs, stairs win. OUCH.

The washing machine was humming away, the bath was as hot as I could stand, the coffee was perfect, a taste of heaven, I picked up the phone. A few more scratches but what the hell, it still worked and searched missed calls. Three, all from the same number, Karen, my long time girl friend, I pushed recall and reached for my coffee. She answered so fast I nearly dropped my phone and my coffee, she must have been ready to call me.

Of course she asked why I hadn't answered earlier, I didn't want to relive the whole miserable day so I just said I was busy and then she dropped the bomb. Karen loved gossip, lived for it and didn't think before she spoke, she had seen my 'boyfriend' with another girl.

My now ex-boyfriend, so what. I actually think she was disappointed when I didn't explode and told her he was already an ex. Not worth going to the next stage, I hadn't had sex with him yet, thank god. He was a pussy hunter, I could hold my head up, he didn't score with me. Karen was disappointed, although not for long as she headed off on a new line. A friend had had a massage and had raved about it, the best thing since canned peas and sliced bread. I had to try it, to get over my break up. Yeah, right.

I didn't bother asking Karen if she had, it wasn't her style, she just passed on the info she gathered so it sort of went in one ear, and out the other until she said "her", how she just knew what ladies wanted. I switched to listening mode. A good female masseur was hard to get, maybe I said when Karen had a break. She was one of those, she talked, you listened, she didn't have time for two way conversations. As soon as she heard the 'maybe' she told me she would txt the number, she was so good it was by appointment only.

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