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When She became He

........., things just couldn't go this well, could they. Yes they could, the boss had had another accident and it wasn't my fault. The gossip, his wife had swiped his head with a frying pan. Domestic troubles. I smiled to myself as I dialed the number of my weekend, 'I love me' plan. I was going to have my massage. My lists came back, scratch 'I love me' insert 'I feel me'. Don't tempt fate by being greedy, and I didn't need a boyfriend..........., yet.

I had to wait until eleven on Saturday, but even that was good, somebody had cancelled and, I had a seat on the bus, I had a seat on the train and, the car started. To top a perfect day, it was warm, the sun was shining and expected tomorrow.

I was sitting, enjoying my second cup of coffee, just waiting for ten forty, it was so good I was going to walk, house-hold chores done when it came to me, people got a massage to feel good, I already felt good. It could only get better......., if I made another list............., I couldn't think of anything to put on my list. Appointment, made, dressed right, easy to undress, done, coffee, done, ready on time, I was early. I had a sudden belly full of butterflies, what had I forgotten? I was nervous.

There was nothing so I put another dab of deodorant, just for something to do. It was time. Nothing happened, I got there, it was the house I had remembered, yes, I was on time, it was clean and tidy and she..........., Oh My she was built. Her breasts a little bigger than mine, her low cut top showing they were nice and firm, also showing no bra, a sexy little short denim dress and long black hair. Very polite as she showed me where to undress and handed me a warm towel. I knew why she had a following.

The massage area even looked good, a well set up area with the table padded, bottles of oils and scents, warm and inviting. I lay as directed, on my front with the towel draped across my butt. Surely Murphy would leave me alone today. I waited.

Soft music started as she entered, she had a pointer and asked if I could see any area of the chart that was a problem. I hadn't even seen the chart before I was so happy nothing had gone wrong and explained that this was just a relaxing massage.

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