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Damsel In Distress

'Don and Betty's from the drama club. We hope to discuss the production of our new play. We expect to be back late so you'll need to take a door key.' Helen nodded.

After dinner Duncan scolded Helen for teasing him in front of their parents but soon forgot everything as he helped her fill a wicker hamper full of freshly cut sandwiches, salad, cakes and fruit. As a special treat she packed some fresh strawberries, whipped cream and a bottle of pink champagne.

Duncan licked his lips. 'This is terrific but there's not that much here, how many are actually coming?'

Helen looked nervous. 'I don't know exact numbers but I did tell Paul I'd only provide food for us three. I assume the others will bring some too.'

Duncan smiled, reassured and with the hamper packed she led him upstairs. He always felt nervous in her bedroom. He wasn't sure why. Was it the feminine decor, with its pastel walls and floral print curtains and matching bed spread or was it her clothes. To be so close to such femininity always made him dizzy and as an untidy girl by nature her room was often strewn with her lacy panties, bras and stockings. Duncan shivered at the thought as he pushed the mountain of soft toys on her bed to one side and sat down.

'Don't get too comfortable I want your jeans off for a start. You can be rest assured you won't be wearing trousers tomorrow.'

Duncans eyes widened. '

'I guess it will take me a good four hours to get you ready so we better do as much as we can now.'

Duncan gasped but loved the idea of starting his feminization early.

'Now let me see,' she said, flinging open her wardrobe door, waving her hands proudly at the rails and racks of clothes. 'Is there anything I've worn recently that you'd like to try? Mmm!' She giggled as she flicked through the rail. 'What do you think will suit you best; a pretty dress or a blouse and skirt? I've always loved halternecks but what colour, hmm? and how long a skirt? we want to show off your long legs don't we?

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