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Damsel In Distress

Duncan sighed and peered enviously at his sisters long slender legs and short flimsy skirt.

'To be honest,' she continued, 'I'm slightly nervous going on my own. I don't know much about him or his friends. You never know these days. I don't want to get involved in anything I can't handle.'

'Come on, you can look after yourself.' Duncan quipped.

'Maybe.' Helen said unconvincingly 'But I'm meeting him actually in Cambridge and you know how unreliable my car is. I would hate to break down miles from anywhere on my own.' She looked at him with her doey eyes. 'Please, please say yes, please.'

'Why can't I go as I am?' Duncan asked, fingering the fabric of his own worn jeans.

'Don't be stupid I can't go with a boy it would give the totally wrong message, Paul may think we're an item. In any case he specifically asked me to bring a girlfriend. You don't want me upsetting him before we even start do you?'

Duncan smirked. 'I guess not but it still doesn't answer the question.'

'Oh! I don't know.' She said impatiently. 'Perhaps he's concerned about numbers, doesn't want too many boys out numbering the girls, who knows.' Helen shrugged her shoulders and lifted her hands letting them drop loosely by her side.

'Well, that's rich since I would really set his sex ratio calculations adrift if I turn up dressed as a girl.' Duncan shuddered. 'The thought is horrible I'd be a gooseberry. A girlie gooseberry.'

Helen laughed. 'Is that all you're worried about? You really don't listen do you? We're to make a group. There's no way you'd be a gooseberry.'

Duncan had never been one for making impromptu decisions but the proposition did tempt him. He had a petite frame for a boy, very similar to Helens and many family friends had commented how they looked so alike. Perhaps he could pass as a convincing girl.

'You can help me with the food.' She said, 'I've promised to supply a picnic hamper. Please, please, help me, you'll be the best brother ever. Don't worry I won't tell anyone and no one will ever know. Mum and Dad are out visiting Don and Betty and you'll be amongst strangers all day. So what do you say? Yes.'

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