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Damsel In Distress

The feeling of openness on his legs, how the pinafore hung from his shoulders and the pinch of her shoes, it all added to a truly feminine experience. Of course he never disclosed how much he savoured wearing her uniform that night but somehow she knew. Call it female intuition. She knew. She'd seen him watch her getting dressed or applying her make-up. She guessed it wasn't childish inquisitiveness - he was jealous. She thought he envied her beautiful clothes, the make-up she wore and the attention she received but what she didn't know was by how much. Remarkably he hadn't succumb to the temptation to wear any of her clothes since. Dreams are not to be confused with reality, however strong your desire he'd often mused and actively pushed the notion to the back of his head. Of course it wasn't easy when his cock throbbed like an engine and Helen was a very feminine girl with all her wonderful girlie things just across the hall it was tough to resist.

Helen sat down on his bed beside him, 'I've met this gorgeous guy, Paul and the other night he asked me out this weekend.'

Duncan ginned knowingly.

'I said yes and gave him my phone number.'

'Congratulations, Helen, I hope things work out.'

'Thanks, but there is a small problem.

'Yes . . .' Duncan said apprehensively.

'He's currently seeing Emma.'

'Hello.' Said Duncan. 'Emma your best friend. Emma your childhood girlfriend, Emma your inseparable partner.'

'Precisely.' She admitted. 'That's the problem. I'd love to date Paul but am reluctant to upset Emma. Not until I'm at least aware of his intentions. I don't want to be just a notch on his bedpost.''

'Hmm! How is the old girl, Emma I haven't seen her for years,' Duncan asked.

'She's fine, you know how it is climbing the social ladder.' Helen said with a hint of annoyance having been interrupted. 'Paul's invited me punting in Cambridge this weekend but he wants me to bring along a girlfriend. Apparently there's quite a crowd going but I dare not invite anyone I know in case the word gets back to Emma. As you know, her friends are mine, so you can see my dilemma.'

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