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What If My Mom Part 2

Food, I was starving, I looked at my clock, 5:15 already. Dad had been gone for 2 hours. We must have fallen asl**p for a while. Shit, Dad and Debbie must have fucked. They were both smiling, so was Mom. So was Peggy and I guess I had a grin as well. Dad had just said he wanted to fuck Peggy again and Debbie wanted ME.

Peggy got up and threw her arms around Dad and kissed him. "Any time, well anytime I'm not busy with Joe". She turned to her Mom, "Joe and I are in love", turned to me,"And we want to be together. I want to marry Joe!".

Peggy really did like being naked and I saw why as Dad cupped her breast, a big smile.

"A wedding takes a bit of planning, what say we eat first and I think Bobby has had enough TV for one day. We are going to have to do something. We can't have him watching TV all the time while we are, 'busy'. I think we need to set up a schedule, especially for when George gets home".

Debbie gave my cock a kiss and suck, "Later" and we got dressed.

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