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What If My Mom Part 2

I didn't even have to think about it, "I love you Peggy, It's just....... was I Ok. I mean......... are you happy?".
Peggy sat up, the serious Peggy. "Joe, we have been fucked over, maybe by our own government, am I happy, shit yes, do I love you, fuck yes. Were you OK, there aren't enough words to say yes. But I hope you understand, after you have fucked Mom it might make sense, a cock is a cock and a pussy is a pussy. You like fucking your Mother as much as I like fucking my Father. You will like fucking my Mother as much as I like your Daddy's cock, but.............., I always want your cock. Bobby........?'.

"Not fair, you don't have a sister. Yes Peggy, I think I understand, I.... I hope you are right. Do you really think your Mom will like my cock?".

"The way I understand it from what your Dad said we can't help ourselves. We need to fuck. We even have a pitcher of water from the creek in the fridge. Dad said it was better than those sex pills. Mom has told me she is going to fuck you. With your tits, she won't stop until she has your cock, one way or another".

"I've fucked Dad with Mom, she's hot, she's just going to love your cock and tits. I think we, you and me are going to fuck Mom. I saw you looking at your Dad's cock, do you want to touch it. We all walk around the house naked, it's neat, we can touch each other all the time".

"Oh god fuck me again, I'm so horny. Stick your cock into me again. Fuck me, fuck your Mom, fuck my Mom, please, give me some cock".

We were just finishing our sandwiches when Mom came back. She was still naked and sat on the bed with us. Peggy was right, neat. I touched Mom's pubic hair.

"Haven't had enough yet", but smiled as Peggy wrapped her arms around her and pinched her nipples. "Both of you? , you're a bad girl Peggy, leading my Son on like this......., and I love it". I watched as Mom kissed Peggy, her hand rubbing Peggy's pussy.

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