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Revenge is Sweet

A flush of red crossed Sadie's normally soft face, partly embarrassment, partly anger as she pushed James from between her legs. James looked even more abashed as he sat back and pulled the duvet from the bed to cover his shrinking erection. Henry stood just inside the door, mouth open in shock, unable to speak or even to move for a few seconds so Sadie spoke first:

"You're not supposed to be home for three hours," she said, stalling the obvious as James started to pull on his pants and shirt, Sadie remained sitting naked on the bed.

"I took the afternoon off," was all Henry could think to say, "I wanted to surprise you."

Sadie moved out with their three kids. Brad, Abigail and Brock, and stayed with her mother just outside River Falls until Henry could get himself an apartment in San Diego where he planned to move permanently now his marriage was breaking up. Over a lengthy discussion later in the evening of that day, Sadie had come clean and revealed how she had been having various affairs throughout most of their marriage. During the long days when Henry would continue to work late, Sadie would be bored and consistently found her sexual needs uncared for by her husband. She had been sleeping with James, who was also married, on and off for the past twelve years (exactly the age of Henry's youngest son Brock who was blessed with a muscular, masculine physique far more similar to James than Henry himself). Sadie planned to move in permanently with James who was separated from his wife. Henry was devastated but found things had spiralled so far out of his control that there was nothing he could do. After her continued infidelities, Henry knew he could no longer stand to live with Sadie, but he was very distressed about it. More than anything though, Henry wanted revenge both on Sadie herself and on James Stone, the guy who had enticed his wife away.

It was a Friday evening, a week after Sadie had moved out and the large house felt curiously empty of people with Sadie and the three kids all absent.

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