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Revenge is Sweet

However by 3 PM, Henry realised that he could find nothing left for himself to do at work and so decided it would be a nice romantic surprise to get home early for Sadie. Excited about the idea he hurried home, the highways were much emptier at this time of day, stopping only to buy a huge bunch of pink roses, Sadie's favourite flowers. Henry pulled his Lexus into the driveway of his large modern house. It felt a little bit abnormal, coming home during the daytime, the sun was shining on the house as Henry got out of the car, and Henry couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable at the unusualness of his early arrival home. He paused for a moment before the mahogany door of his house for no reason particularly other than perhaps to compose himself a little before unlocking the door. The house was unusually quiet, he looked through the rooms on the ground floor, the kitchen, living room and dining room, nobody seemed to be around. Going into the kitchen he filled a vase with water and unwrapped his roses and put them into the vase. Maybe Sadie wasn't home, maybe she had gone shopping. He had just begun to climb the stairs to the second floor of his three storey house when he heard a noise coming from his and Sadie's large bedroom. She obviously had been too distracted to hear him come in and Henry decided to creep up and surprise her. As quietly as he could he padded to the door-of their bedroom and flung it open to greet his surprised wife.

"Honey, I'm home," Henry began to say before stopping mid-way, a step inside the door. His wife certainly was surprised, but not half as surprised as Henry himself.

Sadie was lying on their bed totally naked, her head thrown back and her legs spread wide. In between her legs, Henry could seethe naked, athletic body of James Stone, their neighbour. James' hands were on Henry's wife's shoulders as he levered himself to thrust further and deeper into her pussy. Her legs were splayed wide open and waved in the air. Sadie was clearly enjoying herself, her small pert breasts stood out proud and erect and she involuntarily moaned in pleasure even as Henry entered the room.

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