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Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers Part 1

"Oh! Well, I must say that if that's what Magatrix did, it was mighty nice of her," John said as he proceeded to once again engage his ultra feminized friend in another mutually satisfying and libido torquing French Kiss.

"John," Mike coquettishly purred, "you're getting horny, aren't you?"

"No way, man!" There was a hint of vehement denial clearly conveyed in John's retort.

"Okay!" Mike gleefully teased. "So, you're not horny! So, tell me something. If you're not horny, how come you're getting a hard-on? And, could it be that I'm the one responsible for giving you one?"

John tensed as he defensively charged, "Yeah! So, what? What's the big deal about me and my getting a hard-on? I mean, what are you trying to do, Mikey? Make a Federal Case out of it?"

"No! I'm not trying to do anything of the sort! Truth be told, I find it all very charming, charming and extremely flattering."

It was John's turn to sound thoughtful, "Oh, you do, do you?"

"To be sure! I most certainly do! Fact is, it makes me a little giddy to think that I can actually turn a guy on," Mike said as she forcibly thrust her pelvic region up against John's blood engorged shaft, and proceeded on to provocatively shimmy up and down a few times in order to drive the point home.

"Hey!" John vehemently complained. "Would you please stop that?"

"Why? Don't you like the way it feels when I do that?"

"Of course I like the way it feels! It's just."

"It's just what?" Mike coyly prompted, as she ever so seductively repeated the bump and grin motion of her lower abdomen thrust up against the very visible bulge in her best friend's pants.

"It's just that you and I are friends."

"Yes." Mike replied dreamily as she nuzzled John's ear. "And, if you play your cards right, who knows! You and I could even be better friends before this night is over."

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