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‘They’ll soon warm up,’ the man/woman replied. ‘Feel yourself gently through them, ‘cos it’s very easy to bring yourself off the first few times you wear them.’ As soon as the rubber waistband hugged his body, the caress of the rubber on his sensitive erection proved Doreen right. She eased the leg openings further up Colin’s thighs - pouching the rubber knicks – and then dropped the hem of the lad’s slip. He gestured to the mirror. ‘There you are,’ she continued, ‘Nobody would even know you were wearing ‘em. You could even poop yourself and no one would know.’

‘I’ve never pooped…..’ Colin said, defensively.

‘No, but I’ve watched you peeing often enough,’ his new Auntie replied, ‘In the public toilets, and in that bushy bit of the park. Admit it, now.’

Colin blushed, lost for words.

‘You see? I’ve been watching you for a long time. That’s why I brought you home with me this afternoon. Do you mind? Really?’

‘……no…, not really…..’ the boy admitted.

‘I can see that you enjoy the peeing. And have you ever thought about pooping?’

‘Why were you watching me?’ Colin asked without rancour. He found the idea of someone watching his sex activities quite exciting. He was really playing for time while he sorted out an answer to Auntie Doreen’s last question.

‘For fun,’ she replied, ‘’Cos I fancied you, ‘cos I thought you might to join us in a few games.’


‘My wife and my daughter. I thought that you’d have worked that out already. I really do have a wife and daughter, you know, and we’re very happy – private, but happy.’ The shemale noticed that the hand that Colin had placed on his rubber-covered dick was becoming quite agitated. ‘Careful, now,’ he/she warned. ‘Try not to cum if you can help it. We’ll play with each other again later. Now, why don’t you lie down, comfortable like. I’m going downstairs to make sure that everything’s locked up…..and I’ll make another one of my special cigarettes…..and give you a surprise!’

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