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‘Excuse me.....Auntie,’ he blurted out, ‘Did you say this was your daughter's room? You didn't mean your wife's, did you?’

‘No,’ Doreen replied, ‘Sarah's. My daughter's.’ Then his eyes followed Colin's gaze. ‘Oh! See what you mean.’ He laughed and went over to cuddle Colin. ‘We're a funny f****y,’ he said. ‘We're very close, you might say, very close indeed. We probably have some funny habits, too. Let me show you Sarah's favourite toy,’ He opened the cupboard door and pulled out a curious bundle, tossing it to Colin. ‘That's Sarah's favourite. Her Mum and I bought it as a birthday present for her.’

The bundle was, in fact, a pair of knickers with some curious attachments. It was also made of a fabric that Colin had not come across before, and it took him a few moments to realise that it was latex rubber. He'd read advertisements about that, too, but he'd ignored them. He ran the material through his fingers, immediately wondering if it would be a turn-on to wear. It certainly felt as though it would. The item felt heavy and he found that this was due to a preponderance of rubber pricks fixed to the garment. Holding it as he imagined it would be worn, two of the dildos were set inside the gusset - ready to impale the wearer - whilst she (and it would have to be a she) flaunted a huge prick at her groin. Colin was prey to a shower of emotions: he'd loved to have been a woman to have worn it, he'd have loved to have buggered Auntie Doreen with it, and the wild idea of being the recipient of that huge weapon nearly made him come. So engrossed was he with it that he jumped when Doreen fondled his prick through his wet undies.

‘Fun, isn't it?’

‘And this.....this is your daughter's?’

‘Yep. Sarah's current pride and joy. We've got lots of things like that. Why don't you suck the smaller one on the inside. That was up Sarah's asshole not so long ago.....’

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