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Black Transsexuals Rock

Yeah, there are many things about Canada that I absolutely cannot stand. My parents came to Canada in their early twenties, went to school and found decent work. Andre's parents were born in Canada. He's a third-generation Haitian-Canadian, how about that? Just like there are class divisions among other folks, there are deep divisions among us members of the Haitian Diaspora. I thought Andre was a stuck-up rich brat without a care in the world. Then I got to know him. And I discovered that his life was far tougher than I ever thought it would be. I mean, the guy lives in a mansion, his parents rake in nearly four hundred grand a year after taxes and he's living a fun-filled life on the University of Ottawa campus. I thought he had it made. As it turns out, his was a world full of turmoil.

It's not easy being a young Black man in North America, even if you're from a wealthy family. The obvious affluence of Andre's family earned him enemies among both the white students and the Haitian students of the University of Ottawa. Poor Andre didn't know who to trust. He even received death threats. The City of Ottawa is inhabited mainly by fake-smiling bigots, and they're among the worst than Canadian society has to offer. We're talking a bunch of racist white folks who don't like the fact that their society's demographics and politics are changing. In the cities of Vancouver and Toronto, people of color already outnumber Caucasians. Other Canadian cities like Calgary and Ottawa aren't exactly too far behind. I can't believe that so many otherwise intelligent people buy into the comfort myth that all Canadians are nice, open-minded people. That is such bullshit, folks. Pardon my French.

Watching Andre having such a tough time because of the bigots on campus nearly broke my heart. So I reached out to him. I always care for my brothers and sisters, even if they're uptight wealthy Haitians from Montreal. Andre grew up in a wealthy Haitian enclave of Montreal. He doesn't know how to deal with racists.

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