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Black Transsexuals Rock

When I first met Michel, I thought he was arrogant and simply full of himself. At six feet four inches tall, he was sexy as hell. Broad-shouldered and built like an NBA star. All the chicks at the University of Ottawa were throwing themselves at him. Good-looking young Black men tend to have that effect on young women on college and university campuses across North America. Michel was a member of the higher classes. That much was clear. He dressed in really nice, expensive-looking clothes all the time. He slept with a lot of women. And he drove a really nice car. A bright red BMW. Model 2009. Hot damn. Yeah, Michel Andre was the undisputed king of the University of Ottawa campus. His entourage was made up of young men and women from the wealthiest Caribbean families in Canada.

I felt a bit envious of Michel. I worked two jobs to pay rent and when I graduate from the University of Ottawa, I'm going to have a mountain of debt. The Canadian government gives federal financial aid recipients six months ( after graduation ) to start paying back their student loans. I just know I'm going to be in debt until the day I frigging die. Still, I did what I had to. With a bachelor's degree in business administration, I think I can make decent money once the economy starts turning around. That would be cool. I have to get by on my smarts in this life. I'm a five-foot-eleven, 220-pound Black lady in a land that worships skinny white women. Life isn't easy when you're me. Trust me on that one.

So I continued to work hard toward my goals. Lots of hard-working people from Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America and the Caribbean come to North America in search of better lives. Hundreds of thousands of immigrants from these places move to Canada every year. It isn't easy for us. Not at all. The Canadian government seems to have a system in place that favours natural-born citizens over newcomers from other lands. They aren't eager to acknowledge your credentials unless you were educated in America or Europe. And they give preferential treatment to natural-born citizens in jobs. Never mind that the average newcomer is far more educated than the average Canadian citizen. Smart people from all over the world move to Canada. And many of them end up working for morons who only got their jobs because they were born in Canada, not because of qualifications.

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