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A New Dawn Chapter 1

My knight in shining armour," Dawn giggled, curtsying like she was a damsel in distress. "I'd be honoured."

The two drunken friends left arm in arm and wandered up the street towards Dawns place. It wasn't a long walk and it was a lovely warm night and Tom relaxed enough to slip his arm around Dawns shoulders and pull her closer to him. Dawn in return snuggled up against him and they stayed this way until the reached Dawns house.

As they reached the door, Dawn stopped and looked down at her feet in an embarrassed fashion. "Um, would you like to come in for a coffee Tom? I'll understand if you say no."

"I'd love too, " Tom grinned, hardly believing that this gorgeous creature was asking him into her house. But why would she think he wouldn't want to?

Dawn unlocked the door and showed Tom into the living room where all thoughts of coffee were forgotten. Dawn stood close in front of Tom, tilting her head upwards and kissing him softly on the lips. Tom responded to the kiss, pressing his lips against hers, his tongue parting her full lips and snaking into her mouth. As they kissed, they slid their arms around each other, each pulling the other closer, their hands roaming over their backs and arses. Tom was the first to break the kiss, looking deeply into Dawns sparkling green eyes.

"I've wanted to do that since the first moment I saw you, " he whispered softly.

"I'm glad," she giggled. "Because I've wanted to do a lot more."

Still holding Tom tightly, Dawn looked up at him. "Before we go any further, I've got to tell you something. If you don't want to continue I'll understand, but I really do like you so I want to be completely honest with you."

"Dawn, you can tell me anything, I'll understand. I think you're wonderful."

She guided him to the sofa and sat down beside him.

Taking a deep breath she said, "Tom, do you know what a transsexual is?"

Tom just stared at her. Of course he knew what a transsexual was. He'd found TS porn on the Internet years ago, and although he considered himself to be straight, having no interest in guys, he had found these beautiful creatures with cocks hugely erotic.

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