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A New Dawn Chapter 1

There's a table free over there," said Dawn, looking over Tom's shoulder. "Shall we grab it before anyone does?"

They both made there way over to the table, tucked away at the back of the bar, Tom trying hard not to think of all the times he'd imagined this woman naked, making sure he stayed behind her to hide the erection forming in his jeans. As they walked though he couldn't help but watch her lovely arse wiggle in ahead of him in the tight blue mini dress she was wearing. They slid into their seats, just looking at each other for a moment before they both burst into giggles at the silence.

"I guess neither of us are very good at starting a conversation are we?" Dawn smiled, sipping her drink.

"Well I've got a good excuse," Tom laughed. "It's hard finding something to say to someone as beautiful as you." He groaned inwardly again, wishing he hadn't had quite so much to drink before Dawn had arrived, it was making him say things before his brain had a chance to stop him.

"That's so sweet Tom, " Dawn blushed. "But I know you're talking complete crap."

"No really Dawn," Tom blurted. "I think you're gorgeous."

She looked at him for a moment before saying, "How come you've never told me that before then?"

"Because I've never seen you when I'm pissed before."

"Oh that's charming" Dawn laughed.

"Damn, I didn't mean it like that, I meant that I'd never of had the courage to say it when I was sober"

Dawn smiled at him, placing her hand on his. "I'm only joking hon, I know exactly what you mean. I wouldn't have asked for a drink if I hadn't had a few already"

The evening continued that way, the two of them laughing and drinking, telling each other about there home towns and how they had ended up at this point in their lives. At the end of the night Tom asked, "Dawn, is it alright if I walk you home? Just to make sure you're safe."

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