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Witch Chronicles

I told him that we had separated days before. He just rolled his
eyes. He turned away from me and told one of his "men," "Go into the
building and search it out."

When I said, "You're only wasting your time," he snapped his head
towards me, not in anger, but with a look of surprise on his face.

What did surprise me was that his soldier said, "Sir, if she's not in
there, perhaps we should just go back."

The sorcerer ignored him for a few seconds before saying, "I said go
in and search the building," at no point letting his eyes off of me.

I said, "She's not in there."

The soldier said, "Sir, do you-"

The sorcerer held up his hand in a halting gesture. I expected him
to be angry, both at my defiance and at the soldier's disobedience,
but he seemed only curious. Finally, in a voice barely above a
whisper, he said, "A spont." He made a decision, turned back to his
jeep, and said, "We return to D.C. Form up." He secured the other
end of the chain on my collar to the back of his jeep, and the men
formed a box around me. He got into the jeep and told his driver to
move out.

He kept us at a fair clip, but nothing I couldn't handle. As we
drove, he would occasionally look back at me, although I wasn't sure
whether it was to make sure I wasn't trying anything, or for some
other reason. We drove back to D.C. to a big office building. He
got out and walked up to the main door. He was met by an important
looking man. They weren't close enough for me to hear, but I could
see them clearly. They had a brief discussion which became a short
argument before the man who caught me pointed at me and said
something. The new guy stared at me intently for a few seconds
before saying something and going inside.

My guy came back to me, took my chain, told me to follow, and brought
me inside. We went up to the penthouse offices and entered one where
the other man I saw outside was waiting. The office was a plush
one, decorated more like a living room than an office, complete with
bar and couches. The new guy told my guy that the chain wouldn't be
necessary. Without a word, the chain was removed, and my guy left us

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