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When Rene Calls

"What about you then?" he asked "You don't strike me as lesbian."
"Lesbian? Me? No." I replied "However I am Transgendered."
"Really." he said "How what about the S and M?"
"Hmmmmm??? I imagine it does hold some attraction for me." I said.
I don't know what it was about Rene but for some reason I found it extremely easy to talk to him. In the short time that I'd known him I'd
revealed things that I normally would only close reveal to close friends and certainly not to someone that I'd just met.
Our brief but very interesting conversation was soon interrupted by a museum employee who came to inform those of us in the Mapplethrope
exhibit hall that the benefit committee was assembled in the reception hall and the evenings' proceedings were about to commence. We adjourned
to the reception hall and listened to the thank yous and well wishes of the museum director and board members. Rene was seated right up front
with the other dignitaries and I was seated well to the rear with the lesser- knowns.

The announcement of Rene's generous donation was met with thunderous applause and a standing ovation while my donation was acknowledged
with a polite smattering of applause. A graphic demonstration of the difference between the 1% crowd and us 99 % folks.
The remainder of the night was taken up with casual conversation, cocktails, amateur artist babble, cocktails, pseudo intellectual drivel,cocktails
and bullshit. Once it became obvious that the evening's doings were winding down I decided to seek out Rene to offer my personal gratitude for his
generous contribution to the museum....and to say goodnight. Once I located Rene he appeared to be deeply enmeshed in a conversation with
some museum big wig. I was just about to forget about saying good night when Rene saw me and excused himself from the conversation and
walked over toward me.
"I just wanted to give you my personal thanks for what you've done for the museum and to say good night" I said.

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