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What Price Desire

She was right, the second week was even more hectic, each day a step in the transformation I had yearned for all my life yet never dared thought possible. As the days passed quickly it was finally the morning of the auction and she announced we were going to be taking a trip. It would by my first time out of the building, stepping foot in the outside world as she handed me my clothing and it felt strange to get dressed. There was a long black limousine waiting and as it sped away, she gave the driver an address. I wanted desperately to ask questions but instead, I knew my place and we drove in silence.

It was an amazing day, one filled with smiles, laughter, many blushes and finally we found ourselves at the auction house, being taken in the back entrance. I had on a long flowing black robe, with a cowl which covered much of my face. As my Trainer signed us in, getting our auction number, I stood quietly. My head remained bowed until she took my hand and we walked to our proper place, the director of "The Illusions" Mr. Charles already standing there, waiting.

Her voice was soft but I had learned to listen and listen well. "You will present yourself on the block, bidders will enter, they will have one hour to examine all of you that are up for sale this night. They are allowed to touch you, to speak to you but you will only speak when a direct question is asked of you. The answer should always be given with respect and with as few words as needed. Is that clear Gabrielle?"

"Yes Milady" as she took the garment from my shoulders and revealed the vision which had filled my dreams and fueled my fantasies for more years than I would care to count. The French maid looked anything but masculine, her features after the visit to the salon earlier that day showing tasteful makeup, her longer hair, cut and styled with layers of curls cascading around her face. The corset she wore underneath her uniform gave her an hourglass figure and the thigh high stockings, four inch heels, black lace fingerless gloves and matching lace choker around her neck completed the ensemble.

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