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Transvestite in trouble Part 3

"oh baby" he said, loosing my hair and with his fingers, gathering up the cum on my face, bringing it to my mouth...he said nothing, but i took his fingers into my mouth, eagerly licking the cum from them, again and again he fed me, so much cum, and again and again i took it, swallowed it and opened wide to show him that it was gone. "good girl" he said....I assumed it was all gone. I glanced at the camera on the's focus was cleary on me...on me eating his cum.

He turned picked up his jacket that was strewn on the floor behind him, went into the pocket and removed a small bottle....I watched him, puzzled, he poured some of the liquid onto a cloth, then like a flash clasped the back of my head and shoved the rag into my face. I slipped into unconciousness.

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