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Tits: A Hands-Off Topic

My own favorite shade, which perhaps reveals my transsexual status, is purple and its associated hues. (I love lavender, too, of course.) Were purple and its family of related hues to be chosen as the color by which to refer to tits, such skin tones as these would result: amethyst, dark violet, electric purple, heliotrope, lavender, lavender magenta, lavender purple, maroon, mauve, medium lavender magenta, orchid, psychedelic purple, royal purple, violet, wisteria, and, of course, purple itself. So, even should we writers of erotic fiction restrict ourselves to this one band of colors, we'd have ample resources for describing tits without boring our readers to tears and/or death by the repetition of only a few colorful adjectives.

Unfortunately, in researching my article (i. e., surfing the web), I discovered that the phrase "purple tits" returns a host of website links that, when clicked, takes one into the wild and wooly world of sadomasochistic pain and pleasure. Now, I have nothing against a little BDSM, as such of my own stories as "A Lark," the "First Timer" series, "Lysistrata Revisited," "Nothing At All," "Nothing At All: Alternative Version," the "Quality Control" series, "The Horse," "The Princess of Pain," "The Sitter," "Spoiled Brat," "Vintage" clearly indicates, but purple and its relatives seem to be colors associated primarily, if not exclusively, with BDSM and sadomasochism, and, it's quite likely that a writer will want to try his or her hand at narratives besides just this type. Purple will most likely remain strongly associated with the pain-and-pleasure genre, since it describes, better than any other color, except maybe "black and blue," the contusions and skin discolorations associated with spankings, tit torture, and related sadomasochistic enjoyments. Despite sadists' and masochists' beliefs to the contrary, not everything is about pain and suffering, although, as Edgar Allan Poe points out, "misery is manifold," especially in erotica.

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