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The waterfall chapter 1

“Haha!” Nick laughed as he caught her up in a few strides. “You can’t blame a guy when you’re in those shorts can you!”

Kelly rolled her eyes in the way she does when she is happy to accept the compliment but doesn’t want Nick to know. “In that case, you should get your first surprise now if they are distracting you so much…” Kelly smirked as she said it. She stopped and turned to face Nick, grabbing his arm to stop him, a ping of electricity going through Nick’s body as they touched. Kelly crossed her arms to her waist and pulled off the orange Nike training vest over her head, shaking her head to reorganise her hair in the way all gorgeous women do when taking off a top. She then effortlessly removed the shorts and laid them both aside on the path. Stunned into silence but trying hard to play it cool, Nick raised an eyebrow. “Nice swimsuit!” Nick ventured, thankfully managing to force out, without his voice breaking, some words, any words!

“Ha…” Kelly laughed “I thought you would like it. Look at the little ties at the side of my bottoms!” she exclaimed pushing her thumbs through the loops that tied the pink, full bottomed but very clingy bikini knickers around her waist. Nick admired the piercing at Kelly’s belly button. “You like it? It’s new… someone told me they liked them so I thought why not!” She giggled as she spoke. Kelly whipped around to face away from Nick and pulled her hair, that hair, the hair that drove Nick’s blood around his body, to the side and showed him the bikini tied at the top as well. “You’d best be careful in those, very easy to untie…” Nick offered bravely. Kelly laughed and when she did her bum cheeks tensed. Nick couldn’t be sure, as he had started walking, but he was certain he just felt his cock twitch at the sight of those cheeks tensing. He shook his head in an effort to regain a sense of decent thought, failing of course, as he started after her.

They had only gone a few yards when the track turned to the right and opened up to a magnificent 20ft waterfall. The waterfall ran into a massive clear water pool that exited to the right via a large stream of constantly flowing water. “Wow! Now I see what the bikini is for!” Nick said knowingly. “I don’t have any swimming stuff!?”

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