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The Trip

"I can’t travel the rest of the way like that people will know I'm a guy, at least let me change once where we’re going." I protested

Joe grabbed my arm forcibly.

"Listen bitch, you can either change here, or ride the rest of the way in nothing but a smile. Either way, your male clothes end the trip here. It's your choice."

“You’ll need these as well”

Joe handed me a bag with a baby pink bra and matching panties in it, I found a public toilet over the other side of the car park and, after locking myself in one of the stalls, stripped off my boots, trousers and sweatshirt. I slid on the bra and panties and stuffed the cups with toilet paper; I slid the T-shirt over my head. It was tight across the body, shoulders and arms, and it didn't leave much to the imagination. Next, I slid on the jeans. I was thankful that the guys hadn't forced me to wear a skirt. But as I slid them up my legs, I realized that since they fit so snug, I'd have to tuck my dick back between my legs. That was a little uncomfortable, but once they were pulled up, it held fairly well. I slipped into the knee boots and zipped them up over the jeans. As I exited the restroom, I couldn't help but catch myself in the mirror, I quickly tussled my hair into something more girlish.

All ready to go?" asked Joe.

My answer was only to hand over my male clothes; I tottered over to the car, my heels slipping in the fresh snow and climbed into the back seat. I crossed my arms petulantly as I watched Joe dump my clothes into a waste bin and tried to ignore the guys as we started on what I hoped would be the last leg of the trip.

“There’s another little present for you in the bag on the back seat” Joe said “But considering how you’re acting I’m not sure you deserve it”

I reached into the bag and pulled out a pair of breast forms, I sat staring at them for a minute.

“They should be the right size for your frame and they will feel a whole lot better than toilet paper” he said with a smile

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