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The Taste of Candy

So here we are about to engage in a tawdry, roadside tryst. The kind I'm sure he enjoys frequently being such a rag doll of a drifter. I let my trousers fall and he very slowly rose from his seated position atop a large, smooth stone that seemingly appeared out of nowhere and exclusively for his comfort. My God, for a young man he moved like a geriatric. He seemed drained, exhausted, even taking a step caused him visible discomfort. The look on his face, however, was one of pure bliss. He must want me so bad he can taste it, I thought. I opened my arms without realizing it (an instinctive reflex response?) and he glided forward to embrace me.

His mouth went immediately to my neck and he kissed me so hard I felt the sting of the impact, like a toothache, suddenly run down my back like melted butter. At first I was worried that in his enthusiasm he had bitten me, but after a brief check with my fingers I saw no evidence or trace. He lifted his head and looked me straight in the eyes. I could see the hunger dwelling behind them. He whispered for me to feed him. I only half nodded at his request while my body suddenly jerked forward giving him a very positive response. He knelt before me like a withered branch, every bone in his body voicing their displeasure with an audible pop as he did so, and curled back his upper lip revealing his secret.

I knew there was something unique about the lad and verily before my eyes lay the whole of it on display. His entire row of top teeth resembled fangs. Not long and sharp, but very thick and roundish. Where the points should be were instead large empty holes. The kind at the end of siphoning tools. His lips, already plump, began to expand as if being inflated with gas or air and formed themselves into a perfect O shape. Though I was amazed I nearly laughed at the sight of them for they reminded me of a certain primate's derriere when in heat. He was naked from head to toe now and his cock (which was long and slender) suddenly lifted skyward, becoming instantly hard as waves of fluids rushed into the shaft.

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