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Stephon fucks Sora and her sexy tranny ass

She see my hestitaion and ever so gently says, its ok ,it may hurt in the begining a little, but after that its feels really good. the she kissed me oh, so sweetly and i was like butter in her arms.

Thinking back on all of the girles' virginities and ass virginities i have taken i have never once contemplated what its like to be on the other side of the cock.

She kept her word and was really gentle with me.

She stated kissing me and just like i had done earlier neck, chest, nipples abs(she did each of the eight indivually, played in my belly button, then she was at my muscular v(below abs just above crouch).I though she was just going to to start fucking me but nah she continued to keep her word and gently sucked my penis enought to relax me,and asked me to flip over spread my legs and show her my ass hole. I reluctantly comply and instead of fucking my i enjoyed the wetness of her tongue licking my ass hole which i enjoyed thouroughly, and she lifted her face, picked up her omninous at the time by the size but still cute dick.

SHe asked in her little sex voice,"baby are you ready", and i nod.

FUCK, it was like she was pushing against a wall, the pressuure subsided as i her in and i instantly realized that she had a big cock. I could feel every part of it. She was right the first part hurt but i was good now. I could tell by herface that she was enjoying herselfas well then she started to pump.

Remember that pain that i said had gone away, FUCK THAT I WISH IT WAS STILL AWAY.every pump a wave of a new pleasure slash pain enter, three minutes go by and i seem to be getting used to it andthere is less pain and more pleasure. i all of a sudden want more so i say more. She give me all of her dick and is going at a regular fucking pace. Then i say more again cause i wanted it.


if i were a female with hair she would grab it in order to get me back onto her dick, but umm i keep a brush cut so yea. she was at an impass so she inprovised.

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