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He felt oddly as if this was somehow the right thing for him to be doing and he began to relax a little and enjoy the feminine feel of being totally fussed over and pampered by the dedicated attentions of these two women as they tried to make him look his best. When they had applied a liberal amount of make-up and a blonde, feminine wig, Sam could really see how successful their efforts had been. In the tall, full length mirrors he could see himself, or at least he had to assure himself that it was really him because what he really saw was a sexy, girlish woman at least a match for Jemma.


The next morning was Saturday and Sam awoke feeling groggy and hungover from all the cocktails of the night before. He had an uncomfortable feeling that the previous night he had done something that he wouldn't be proud of now, in the cold light of day. He also had no idea how he had managed to get home. Desperately he tried to piece together the events of the night before to remember what he had done. There was a stain of lipstick and mascara smudged across the pillow and Sam briefly wondered if he had finally managed to bring a woman home to his less than luxurious apartment. A moment's consideration and remembrance banished that thought from his mind as he felt that he certainly wasn't dressed in his usual night-clothes. Throwing the duvet off his bed, Sam looked down at himself and some of the memories of last night came flooding back to his mind. He was still dressed in the tight, sexy woman's clothes of the night before, his legs, smooth and shaven, tingled with pleasure and his cock, encased in its satin lingerie panties was feeling better than ever. His panties were slightly hard and stained as was part of the skirt with his cum, he still couldn't remember when he had done that, whether it was at Jemma's apartment or here, and how he had got back here anyway. The last thing he could remember was looking at his reflection in one of the full length mirrors in Jemma's apartment, he remembered thinking, even through his blurred, hazy, drunk vision, that the woman looking back at him was pretty hot, and then Jemma's sexy room-mate Helena had offered Sam another drink and he couldn't, for the life of him, remember anything that had happened afterwards.

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