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Sexing It Up

Having ruled out images of partially dressed, tattooed men and women and actors involved in novelty scenes, I select one of the categories of my own interests (frequently shemales engaged anal or oral sex with men, women, or one another), and let my eye travel among the images which appear on the screen after I click on a link in a browser's list of websites dedicated to video clips of such sexual activities or types of sexual partners. Acting purely on impulse, I select this or that image. (In this essay, I am restricting my observations to heterosexual anal intercourse, but many, if not all, of my thoughts could equally well refer to any type of sexual activity with any type of participants, male, female, or shemale.)

It is only after the fact that I muse upon my motives for choosing this image over that, asking myself what prompted my decision. A number of considerations appear to have occurred at the moment of my selection, which I have since made conscious criteria for selecting additional images of the same nature or kind. These criteria, I find, have another application as well--one that may be of interest to writers of erotica such as appears on Literotica, because these criteria can be used as principles for selecting details for one's compositions and for intensifying the erotic impact of one's fiction.

Women's facial expressions are one of the things that attracts my eye. I am drawn, especially, to women who smile or grin while their asses or cunts are impaled upon a thick, rigid cock, because these expressions signify their enjoyment of these acts. Although it is true that their pleasure may be entirely feigned (anyone may smile or grin, after all, whether he or she is in fact enjoying the moment), the viewer is free to assume that the smile or grin is a sincere reflection of the delight that it appears to signify.

For the same reason, I am attracted to women whose countenances betray emotional or physical distress or anguish. In porn, sex, regardless of the form it takes, is often more about naked lust than love and about power, control, and dominance (or, depending upon one's point of view, powerlessness, being controlled, and submission), and expressions of anguish or distress reinforce these concerns.

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