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"My God!" Ed cried, shocked. "Do you se what I see?"

"Damn!" Lou exclaimed.

"She's a he!" Joe thundered.

It was true! As hard as it was to believe, the beautiful, sexy Samantha was a man - a man with tits who was better looking and more feminine than most women, but a man, nevertheless.

Ed scowled at Samantha. "Freak," he muttered.

Joe and Lou shook their heads at her in disgust as they stepped over her.

James wanted to stop. He wanted to ask whether she was all right. He wanted to help her to her feet. Instead, he left her lying on the sidewalk, in the rain, her private parts exposed to passersby and onlookers, possibly hurt. He remembered the contempt and disgust in which Ed, Joe, and Lou had regarded Sam, and he didn't want to be treated in the same manner. To show any concern, any sympathy, any kindness toward the man who'd passed himself off as a woman would be to incur the same abusive treatment from them that the salesmen showed to Samantha. No doubt, they'd begin calling him a "queer" if he showed any compassion for the fallen secretary. As much as he'd like to help her, he knew that Ed, Joe, and Lou would make his working life a living hell if he did. Feeling like a heel, he followed their lead, stepping over Samantha, to leave her lying on the sidewalk, in the pouring rain, with her ass, cock, and balls on display.

James was ashamed of the way he'd behaved. At heart, he was a decent man. His biggest weakness was that he gave too much thought to what other people might think and say about him. From his earliest childhood days, James had been mindful of other people's opinions and eager to please. As a result, he was easily manipulated and seldom pleased anyone, despite his best and continuous efforts to do so. He'd developed few ideas, beliefs, or values of his own and had only a minimal self. Mostly, he was a reflection of what others thought, felt, believed, and valued - or what he thought they thought, felt, believed, and valued.

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