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Quid Pro Quo Chapter 1

She giggled to herself as she caught Paul staring at her body again. Coughing, Paul answered, "I'll just have whatever you're having, Isabella." She quickly poured Paul a piña colada, and, rolling her eyes, she teased, "I'm surprised, that's a girl's drink Paul!" Isabella casually walked out from behind the bar and made her way to the table once again, patting the seat of the chair next to her, motioning for Paul to come over.

Her tongue reached out and grabbed at the straw, and she took a long sip at her drink, "I saw you today Paul, but I think you know that already." Paul's momentary sense of comfort and safety vanished immediately, and his head sunk. "Now, now, that's not what I meant at all, " she comforted, "what I mean to say is that I think we might come to some sort of a deal." Paul was at a loss, "I don't think I understand what you're getting at, Isabella." She rolled her soft brown eyes again, "My husband and I have an open marriage, Paul, and an agreement of sorts, that we call our 'Quid Pro Quo.'" Paul's confusion was evident, and without allowing him a response, she continued, "If my husband wants to be with a woman, he must agree to share her with me, and vice-versa. It's very simple, Paul." Paul's mind whirled at the revelation that this beautiful creature was a bisexual, and his mind was suddenly filled with images of her tight olive-skinned body rubbing passionately against feminine flesh, "I think I understand, Isabella."

That curious smile came across her face again, and she jumped up from her chair, straddling Paul with her legs. Running her fingernails seductively down Paul's chest, she leaned forward and offered him a lust-filled kiss. Paul's heart raced as he responded to her sudden passion; he grabbed her waist, pulling her closer to him. Suddenly she pushed Paul's chest back with a playful thrust of her arms, "No, no, not yet, Paul. We need to wait for my husband Charles." The sudden mention of her husband's name brought Paul sharply back to reality. Charles was a tall and fit young black man, and a very successful corporate attorney. He puzzled to himself, "she didn't expect him to...was he supposed to... with Charles?"

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