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Pregnant Fantasy Come True!

I would admire myself in the mirror. Having my baby bump protruding over the elastic of my panties was such a turn on. I also began using suction cups on my nipples to make them full and erect. It also made them very sensitive. All of this was done privately on my own time. Because I didn’t know how Craig would feel about this. That was until the day he found out what I had been doing. I was embarrassed and ashamed for what I had been doing. But Craig was very understanding. He knew that eventually I would have the deep desire to experience every aspect of becoming a woman. He wanted very much to see me with my baby bump. So, I went back to the bathroom and filled the enema bag to one gallon and let it all empty into me. I slid my plug in and pulled my panties up. My belly was protruding further than it ever had before. I walked out and paraded myself in front of him. I could tell by his eyes and devilish smile that he fully approved. He pulled me close to him to rub my belly and my hardened nipples. It felt like electricity shooting through me as he ran his tongue over my mammary glands and squeezed my ass. He then whispered in a deep voice how much he wanted to make me pregnant.

Craig was very turned on and excited to help me fulfill my fantasy and eagerly researched how we could make this happen. He scoured the internet for ideas. Most of what he found was just prosthetic devices to simulate my pregnancy. But neither one of us thought it would give me the full experience. Until one night I heard him shout that he had found the answer!

He had found a web site that had these capsules that could be inserted into my pussy. Inside the capsule was a compressed, life sized baby doll. The capsules were made of a gelatin like material that would melt away after being covered in his sperm. The capsule would melt away and the baby would begin to unfold and regain its shape. Then I would be able to deliver the baby just the same way as natural child birth. I was overjoyed that I will get to experience my long cultivated fantasy.

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