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Planet Of Men

At first we were stunned and then, when we got over the shock, we decided to make the best of a world abandoned by its creators. We moved into a secure compound, and foraying into the nearby city, we acquired all of the trappings we needed to live comfortably. We had three separate houses with all of the latest gadgets. Everything ran perfectly and mostly automatically, powered of course by GAC micro generators. We filled our houses with every form of entertainment available: three-dimensional holographic video projectors, fully integrated sound systems, and the latest computer games. Of course there were no interactive Internet websites, although most websites were still running; their servers and super-computers run by GAC micro atomic generator.

We found food abundant; advances in cryo technology meant that produce could be frozen and remain edible for centuries (the irony of this was not lost on us). We had everything we needed to sustain us for the rest of our lives. Everything except contact with other humans beside ourselves; and of course no women to fulfil our sexual desires. Jeff acquired a powerful transmitter and we spent days trying to contact the other volunteers of the cryogenic experiment who must have emerged at the same time as we did in their secret locations around the globe, but we had no success. Because of the secrecy surrounding the project we didn't even know who they were, how many there were, or where they were located. We eventually became resigned to our fate and settled down to live out our lives in as much comfort as possible, leaving the transmitter and receiver to operate automatically.

After a six months of each other's company we pretty much retired to our own homes within the compound. It was a sad reality that we craved the company of other human beings but were sick of our own company. This arrangement and the privacy we now all craved actually suited me more than I was prepared to say. You see I have a secret that the other two know nothing about; that very few people had ever known anything about. It was a secret that I had lived with before I volunteered for the cryo experiment and a secret I have no intention of sharing with my two male survivors. I am a transvestite.

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