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She walked over to my left side and produced a padded 2" nylon strap which was apparently attached underneath the chair's armrest near where the wrist would lie. She wrapped it around my wrist and attached the industrial Velcro ends together.

As she walked around my right side she commented, "We use these when we administer Sodium Pentothal to our patients so they don't hurt themselves . . . or us," she chuckled and secured my right wrist.

"Am I going to get Sodium Pentothal?" I naively inquired.

"Oh, no, no, you're going to get something better, much better."

She picked up a wired remote control and said, "Hang on. We're going to go for a little ride." I felt my chair's back going down. It kept humming away until the back was totally reclined and the chair was about parallel to the floor and a couple of feet above it. She set the remote back down and immediately swung her leg over my chest like she was mounting a horse and sat down hard on my chest almost knocking the wind out of me.

She wiggled around on my chest getting more comfortable, gave me a wicked smile, and asked, "Do you like surprises?"

"Sometimes," I answered hesitantly.

"Well, this better be THE 'sometime', sweetie,"she pronounced, "because here comes the surprise." and lifted the hem of her skirt to her chest.

I wasn't very surprised. This fit in well with the psychedelic wet dream I was obviously having, because attached to her body where her female parts were supposed to be was the biggest, fattest uncircumcised cock I had ever seen. No, sorry, it wasn't the biggest. It wasn't really very long, but, boy was it fat. It was only about six inches in length, but it was probably three inches in diameter. It looked to be about the size of a Coca Cola can and, although firm, I had a hunch it wasn't even fully erect. She reached down and hefted it with both hands. One hand obviously wouldn't come close to circling it.

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