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Only Once

I thought you had recognized me as I lay on the serving table. I couldn't speak or else spend another night catching the spunk of masturbators. I'm glad I could assist you. How did you two meet and what are your names. Mia spoke up announcing her work at the art show commission and gave my name as Rob a local art buyer. This seemed to delight her and as she crossed her legs Mia and I could see the glistening of a pussy and boobs the size of cantaloupe fell from her dress which opened with the movement. You two work so well together would you consider working for me? I have some art and some restoration I need done. I'll pay you well and as you see the fringe benefits are exciting, at least your pants say so. I grabbed Mia's hand and held it to my crouch and as our eyes met we both said yes. Mia was now fumbling with my belt trying to see in my trousers Ester moved across the car and offered a hand I was worn from the events earlier but up to some fun with these two lavishing women.

Ester our new employer remarked, in all the excitement I don't believe I saw your fucking dick tonight Rob and gave my manhood an unfolding jerk pulling all 14 inches out of my pants. Oh my Mia remarked and reached to gage its girth by using both hands to reach completely around it. Ester looked at Mia and said Mia darling suck my clit while I pleasure Mr. Rob here. Mia obliged, and Ester went down on me and then, and that's when he appeared the body guard, now nude holding a dick in one hand and champagne in the other. With all that muscle and guns of arms, and iron ribbed stomach the body guard let go of his weenie and there it stood as proud as a captain on Flag Day a four inch prick. Ester remarked now you see why I want to hire you, he's harmless and with that he was sliding it into Mia's ass without even a whimper from her. Ester smiled returned to my cock with her velvet tongue and twitching the body guards nipples sending him to an early climax and rendering him helpless. I ordered him to clean his mess and he did by licking Mia as clean as she was that morning. Ester stopped long enough to give her approval of my orders and with sliding a finger in my ass she said there is a bonus in this for you two if you make me squirt.

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