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New Game by Jordan Skythe

“You don’t have a problem with me wearing them?”
“Hell no! Is your roommate home?”
“Did he ever see you in them?”
He made a face as if the idea disgusted him. “No.” Alan was the only one he wanted to dress for, and he decided he’d work on keeping the associated ideas, secret.
“Then give me a show.”
“Just these?” He wished he didn’t share that, but he’d feel a little naked without everything else.
“Why?” Alan’s head tilted. “Do you have other things?”
“Maybe.” What was he doing? What was he getting himself into? How was he going to accommodate his friend’s request and hide what was sure to cause confusion and embarrassment, when spotted?
“C’mon. Show me!”
He could feel his cock tingling as it grew. “Promise not to tell?”
“Promise to show me what you got?” He gestured toward the drawer. “Do you have things that go with them, like panties and a skirt hidden in there?”
He took a step toward his closet. “Kind of.”
“I like this, kind of thing.” He inhaled deeply. “What do you mean, kind of?”
“Well …the panties might already be on?”
“Really!” Alan bounced with a surprising energy as he sat at the bed's edge. “Show me!”
“Don’t you want to?”
“I’m nervous.”
“C’mon, or are you just a tease.” Alan moved to the edge of the bed.
He turned away before unbuttoning his jeans. “You know I shouldn’t.”
“C’mon! I love this! What color are they?”
“Pink.” The confession alone made his heart race.
“Nice. Show me.”
He held his breath, then arched his hips and lowered his jeans.
“Very nice! I like this new game.”
“Really? You don’t mind me wearing these?”
“No. The panties actually make your ass cute.”
“And you wouldn’t get mad if I wanted to know if it looks good in maybe a skirt?”
“Wow. Not at all. In fact, it may be fun. Do you have one?”
He eyed his friend, trying to measure his sincerity. “Yeah.”
“Sweet. This is fun.”
He rummaged through the back of his closet before backing out and revealing a short pleated schoolgirl skirt.
“You like pink.”

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