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My Transsexual Lover

"So, what's this place you're taking me to?" I asked.

"A club. I know the people who run the place." She replied, never taking her eyes off the road.

"Sounds good." I said, smiling as I watched her smooth hands on the wheel.

After just a minute more of driving and idle chit-chat, Vivian pulled the car up in front of a building, highlighted by a neon light, above the door, that read "Midnight Moot". The car turned off with a gentle purr, and Vivian pressed a button, and the soft-top began to cover the car. She got out, followed soon by me, locking and immobilising the car. I followed her to the door, where two burly bouncers stood on either side. One of them broke out with a smile and practically ran forward to take Vivian into his huge arms. He kissed her softly on the cheek.

"Ah, Vivian! Good evening! Please, go right through!" he said, releasing her from his grasp. She smiled at the bouncer, before gesturing back at me.

"He's with me." She said softly, and the bouncer nodded. Vivian stepped forward and entered the door, and as I followed her, the bouncer gave me a wink and a smile. The other stared at me with a rather odd look on his face, but I ignored him and walked in after Vivian.

The thump of the dance music that I had heard ever since getting out of the car became many times louder now as I stepped into the club. The door swung shut behind me, and I looked around the club. There were lots of people, most of them on the dance floor, which was illuminated by coloured strobe lights. Out the front, there was a DJ, the source of the music. Further over, there was a bar, a few people sitting on stools with drinks in front of them.

"C'mon, Luke!" Vivian yelled over the music, taking me by my wrist and pulling me towards the bar. She sat on a stool, and I sat down next to her. The bartender came over, a wide smile on his face.

"Ah, Vivian! What can I get you?" he asked.

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