My Erotic Free Shemale Porn Movies Sex Scene In The Air

My job as an airline stewardess always keeps me on the move. The fact that I am a shemale limits me to hanging out with a certain group whenever I go to certain cities. Well, one particular night flight, there was a handsome man that pinched me on my ass as I walked by.

Normally, I would complain but I welcomed this kind of action from this beautiful hunk. As I turned around, I gave him a flirtatious grin and invited him back to the restroom of the plane. Once he entered, I kissed him and began to grope his amazing frame. He pulled me close to his body and proceeded to fondle my ass.

He placed his hands down my pants and he didn't mind at all that I am a shemale. I was so pleased that I immediately fell to my knees and unzipped his pants. I had never seen a cock this big in my life. I began to lick around the tip of his penis. Then I took the whole thing as deep as I could.

I spit on his dick and placed it in between my tits. This felt like a scene a video of free shemale porn movies that I routinely watch. He stood me up and took down my pants and panties. He turned me around and placed his dick in my ass. I felt him increase his frequency harder and harder.

He grabbed my hips and worked them back and forth. He reached around and jerked my member off at the same time he penetrated me. This threw me into a feeling of pure pleasure. I wanted to record this moment so that I could replay it while watching free shemale porn movies.

We both came at the same time. I could feel his warm cum in my ass and I was even more satisfied. As we made our way back to our seats, I thought in my head that he had just become a member of the mile high club. I knew that he had been satisfied because whenever I went down his isle, I saw him fast asleep. I knew that what we had just done could have been a scene in one of many free shemale porn movies.

2015-12-11 by shemale lover 8,557 Views

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