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We turn towards each other. She presses her firm little breasts against me. Now we gently massage each other's necks and slowly slide down our backs. She kneads my bottom and runs a few fingers up and down the crack. Thanks to the shower gel, fingers slip in effortlessly and find the brown eye. With gentle pressure she massages the gate and gently penetrates a little deeper. The outer sphincter does not offer any resistance and the next muscle can also be overcome gently. Now she pulls her hand back with a wink and whispers: shampoo doesn't belong in there, I have something better. When she suddenly stood behind me without my noticing, she disappeared again. I finished my shower and went back to my room. Then I heard the cooing voice from earlier. Come and make yourself comfortable on the lounger. In the adjoining room was a comfortable lounger and warm towels. I lay down on it and covered myself with one of the towels. She stood like a shadow, I assume, behind the couch and blindfolded me. If you see nothing, the sensual impressions are more intense. Said it and gave me a kiss. I felt her walk around the couch and now stand at my feet. She strokes my legs up and down with massage oil. Dedicated to each toe individually. I feel her tongue on my soles. A pleasant tickle travels from the feet to the middle of the body. I have never experienced this. Thought it would be unbearable, but on the contrary. It was so exciting. She put a toe in her mouth and sucked on it. Again a pleasant shiver ran through my body.
The cloth that I put over my loins has long looked like a small tent. She pulled the cloth aside. Now that there was no more resistance, my joy staff plopped onto my stomach. Not a giant but something to work with. She climbed onto the couch and is now sitting on my legs. She gently massages from the groin to the navel and back again. Tenderly embraces my balls and gently squeezes them. With gentle kisses from the sack to the tip of the penis, she slides higher.

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