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Marilyn's Family Reunion

"Don't worry. I won't let my urges hurt my little Mimi, huh?" Marilyn answered as she leaned over the front passenger seat to look into her daughter's eyes. "Big mommy wouldn't hurt you," she finished as she bent down to kiss her daughter's forehead. "Such a cute kid. And big too!"

"So I've noticed," Shari replied. "How old will she be when she's taller than her mama? I'll take 6. What about you?"

"Put me down for $50 on 5," Marilyn replied with a wink.


"Yo, Marilyn, we're here!"

"Alright, alright," Marilyn said as she sat up and straightened out her clothes. "I'll go get Mimi out the seat." She stepped out the car, then opened the door to get her daughter out the seat. "I shouldn't be too long, sis. Just be ready for me when I get the bags."

"Alright! Enjoy your Hallmark moment!"

"OK," Marilyn managed to scream back as she quickly walked through the doors of the International Arrivals terminal. "Damn, forgot the stroller," Marilyn muttered to herself as she walked along. "Oh well. It'll be better this way. She can hold her kid."

She quickly spotted Kat's flight on the arrivals screen and noted that the flight was just about to land. Calmly, she walked over to where the baggage claim for the flight and patiently waited for her lover to come down the escalator with the people from her flight, leaning on a pillar. "I wonder how she'll look like when I first see her again," Marilyn thought to herself. "She has been through a lot."

Just as she finished that thought, she saw people stream down the escalator from the flights that had just landed. Marilyn kept an eye out for her diminutive lover, knowing that she'd be hard to spot in all these people. Suddenly, she felt a tug on the back hem of her skirt. Marilyn wheeled around on her heels out of reflex, looking to see who or what did the pulling. When she looked down slightly, she looked down and saw a sight for sore eyes.

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