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Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers Part 8

"You see, not only was I fairly successful stage magician, but I guess you could say that I had also secured for myself a comfortable niche in the publish or perish world of academia. In other words, as the man I used to be, I had more doctorates than you could shake a stick at.

"Well, let's see if I can remember them all. Okay! The male me that I used to be had doctorate degrees in following academic disciplines: theology, archeology, anthropology, and psychology. And, just to add insult to injury, a few years before I opted out of the manhood gig altogether, I added a doctor's degree in the History of Western Civilization to the list.

"Oh! And, just so you know, the former male me managed to acquire a whole shitload of Master's degrees as well. I have, or I should say, the man I used to be had a Master's degree in Greek, Latin, and Arabic. Plus, somewhere along the line, I found time to pick up a Master's degree in Comparative Religions. Actually, now that I think about it, I was a little more than halfway through writing my doctorate thesis in Comparative Religions when I said the hell with it, and took the plunge into womanhood that resulted in my gaining the metaphysical wherewithal that allowed me to become the first class magic user that I am today.

"Basically, it was that thesis in Comparative Religions, coupled with all those academic achievements of mine which, after some haggling, and the direct intervention of a Cardinal I had done some favors for, eventually gained me supervised access to the documentation that I so dearly wanted to examine.

"Well, anyhow. Though I can't prove a damn thing - Guess what! - it's my contention that they - whomever in the hell they are! - went and got it all wrong, in so far as Adam and Eve are concerned. Or, you might go so far as to say that they got it sort of back-ass-wards.

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