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Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers Part 6

Even as Mike stepped into the shower, she was keenly aware that she was going to be hard pressed to remain patient. Unless Magatrix brought up some hidden aspect of what a permanent change might entail, Mike had already made her decision. Illogical as it was, Mike dearly wanted to remain the beautiful young woman into which Magatrix had changed her.

The truth of the matter was, now that Mike had arrived at her decision to become a woman on a full time basis, she did not ever want to revert to being a man again; save for perhaps entering the impish and somewhat perverted fantasy of being able to pull a sexual switcheroo on John every now and again, just to let him experience what being a girl was all about. Even as she began to lather up, Mike once again began to take perverse pleasure in thinking of just how much fun it would be were she able to occasionally turn the tables on John, and sock it to him the way he had socked it to her. 'Maybe,' she thought, 'were I to ask Magatrix for some magical means by which I could accomplish some sort of sexual switcheroo with John, she might even accommodate me.'

But, such speculation was nothing more than a side issue, or a diversion if you will. The first thing Mike needed to do was to get Magatrix to agree to make her a woman on a permanent basis. And, to accomplish that, Mike had to be able to engage the magician in a conversation.

Oddly enough, Mike was optimistic. She truly believed that once Magatrix heard her out, the magician would gladly grant her request. The problem, as Mike perceived it, was not convincing Magatrix to accede to her request, but to gain the magician's ear into order to make that request.

Mike was also well of aware of the fact that time was on her side. According to the event section of the paper, Magatrix was scheduled for nightly appearances at The Witches Brew, the local magic slash comedy club that was situated just across the street form the hotel where the magician's suite was located, until the followed Wednesday. That meant that John and Mike had all that Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and possibly some of Thursday morning to track Magatrix down. The chances were good that they would eventually succeed in doing just that.

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