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Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers Part 5

"No. You needn't worry about that, kiddo. Believe me. I haven't gotten cold feet, or changed my mind or anything like that. You ought to know by now that I want to marry you more than anything else in the world, and don't you ever forget that!"

"Good! I'm certainly glad to hear you say that," Mike impishly replied, as she demurely parked that man-troubling new fanny of hers on the side of the bed.

"So, what'dya think, kiddo?" John casually asked as he began to remove his pants.

"What do I think about what?"

"About you and your taking a leak for the first time as a girl?"

"Oh, so you're curious about that, are you?"

"Yes. Yes, I am," John said, as he moved to his side of the bed and began to climb in between the covers. "Given that it was the first time you took a whiz as a girl, I would kind of like to hear your impressions of what it was like."

"Well, basically, it's messy, you know, as in when it comes out, it sort of goes all over the place."

"That's pretty much what I've heard."

"And, as you probably already figured out, you've got to do it sitting down."

"Yeah, I kind of already knew that one as well. So, the question is, do you think you're going to be able to handle it?"

"If you mean, for the rest of my life, yeah. I think I can handle it okay. Now, that's not to say that I won't miss having a pecker each and every time I have to take a pee, because, I can tell you right now, without any reservations whatsoever, that I will. I'm going to miss it dearly, especially so on those occasions when we're doing something like hiking through the woods and I find that I have to relieve myself in the worst friggin' way imaginable.

"I mean, it sort of goes without saying that that's when I'll miss not having a guy's 'thing' the most. But, as much as I'm going to miss having a pecker to piss with, I actually think that when push comes to shove, I'll be able to make all the necessary adjustments. In other words, John, though taking a leak when you've got a pussy instead of a pecker is definitely on the minus side of the equation, when it comes to the pros and cons of being a girl, I do believe that it's a con that I can live with."

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