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Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers Part 3

"Hold on there, pal. Let's not go getting all cocky about it."

"Cocky!" John quipped. "Now, that is an interesting choice of words. So, tell me, kiddo, now that you're on the receiving end of things, do I detect a little bit of penis envy emanating from somewhere over there on your side of the bed?"

"Yeah! You wish! However," Mike continued thoughtfully, "after this night is all said and done, and I'm back being a guy again, I have the sneaky suspicion that I'm going to be saddled with a heavy handed dose of vagina envy."


"I'm afraid so, pal."

"It's that good?" John asked dubiously.

"Yeah. you bet your ass it is, you know, if that is, you have the right kind of guy making love to you."

Seeking clarification, John inquired, "Are you saying that you think that I'm the right kind of guy?"

"Oh, yeah! You're the right kind of guy, all right. Now, I don't want you to get a swelled head or anything when I tell you this, but the truth is, John, as far as I'm concerned, as a lover you're pretty damn near perfect. At least I think you are. I mean to tell you, pal, even though I'm new at this girl-shit business, I can tell you one thing. Any girl in her right mind would be lucky to have you as her lover."

"You really feel that way?"

"You bet your ass I do. Look, John, though I will probably never admit to this again, you know, once this night is over, and I'm back to being my old self again, I will always cherish being with you like this tonight. Truth is, now that I've had a taste of what being a woman is all about, and sharing what the two of us have shared, I don't think I'll ever feel the same way about making love as I did before all this happened. Now, I'm not saying that I won't still enjoy it, because I will. I'll enjoy it a lot. However, I don't think I'll enjoy it quite as much as I once did. In other words, John, what I'm so lamely trying to say is, I'm going to miss being a girl.

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