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Late for Work

"Well young lady? What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Nothing." She replied meekly.

He spun her like a dancer and yanked her with him to couch, sitting down, laying her over his lap.

"Count with me, little one."

She gulped a quick, "yes daddy."

His hand reached down her beautiful, hand-sewn skirt and lifted it up. Her adult sized sailor moon panties stared up at him and he smiled, yanking them down, just past her perk asshole. He loved her butt, and loved spanking her butt, probably as much as she enjoyed being spanking.

His hand whooshed, the flat of it striking both cheeks simultaneously, and he felt her shudder as she bleated a, "one daddy."

Over, and over he struck, until he got to five. She was weeping softly, not because of the pain, but because she had disappointed him, and to her, that was a deeper, far more dark shame than any spanking or public humiliation.

"On your knees. Show daddy how much you love him."

She moved off his lap like a cat and buried her head between his legs. Softly her lips sucked the head of his cock and she stroked with her hand until she tasted his preseminal fluid start to flow. At that point, she changed tactics and then would look him in the eye, stroke the fluid out of his cock, and lick at it, in a long, tantalizing swipe of her tongue. Dregs of the clear fluid and her saliva ran from the tip of his dick to her lips.

He was close, and she knew it. Once he had cum, she would be safe from his wrath.

He surprised her and pushed her head back.

"Stand up and bend over." He ordered.

She quivered her breasts swinging down, still covered by the sticky cloth prison.

Her tight pucker was the first thing he saw, and then he lowered her panties to about mid-thigh.

He then saw the bane of her existence, her greatest shame.

Her penis.

She was a preoperative transsexual, not that it made any difference to him, with her surgery so close, but he knew it drove her in ways that were incomprehensible to him. When he exposed her ass he commented in a manner that he knew would comfort her.

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