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In only a fur and very little else…

I had made myself truly naked and hairless but I was not what I felt was completely clean!

So earlier that night I had also given myself an enima. I had filled a purpose made plastic bag with lukewarm soapy water. Using a flexible plastic tube and a long plastic nozzle, I had flushed two liters of the soapy water into my bowels. An enima is not a directly pleasant sensation, lying on the floor rolling from one side to the other, while water is pressed by gravity into your intestines is not necessarily great fun. Holding in the water, while your stomach screams to let it out is a somewhat unpleasant if not painful matter. And then when it has all run into your system. Standing up and holding in the water by pressing together your anus mussel, while at the same time moving to a toilet bowl is risky business. Empting the system also takes a surprising amount of time… After the first mighty flush of shitty water and you think it’s all come out… Think again… You are more likely than not, only halve way empty. It’s a messy humiliating business. And surprisingly sexually arousing, in a totally degrading sort of fashion. That night I completed the procedure twice. Repeating the process to make absolutely sure that my back passageways where clean and free inside. I had wanted and expected to use my hole at the back that evening and I did not want to be hindered in my efforts to please, by a blocked and shitty, ill smelling anal opening!

Needless to say I followed my enima with yet another shower. More drying with fresh fluffy towels, more sweet smelling body lotions and I rounded it all off with nail clipping.

I had painted my trimmed toenails bright crimson red… The same nail polish that I would later use on newly applied false fingernails. The false fingernails were to be the last thing I would apply and paint before driving to my predestined assignation! For the untrained, doing virtually anything, like doing up buttons, or fitting earrings or bracelets with long fingernails, that can otherwise be easily damaged and spoilt, can take an awful long time and be very frustrating. That evening it was going to be out of the question that I was going to hurry unnecessarily. I had previously learnt this simple fact. I was not going to make foolish mistakes with my make up that night.

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