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I am Baaack! Part 7

Ed and Lou, who was finally coming out of her haze, looked horror stricken. "However, my employer is willing to offer you an alternative proposal that would allow you to avoid incarceration, and even still live in the type of environment you have become used to. You will not be dealt with physically, mentally, or financially beyond what is stated in the papers I will present for your signatures. I suggest you read them, but you need to decide. Right here, right now. You have five minutes."

Ed looked at Lou. Lou looked at Ed, and nodded. Ed said, "No jail." Lou nodded. As teenagers, both girls had watched "Scared Straight" on TV and had believed it; prison life was definitely not for them.

G.A. pulled two sets of documents from his briefcase. He noticed some large books on the coffee table, and indicated that each woman should take one. When they had, he handed each a set of the documents. Pulling two pens from his shirt pocket, he gave one to each. "There are three documents; sign all three by the "X", then trade and sign all three by the "XX" as witnesses to each other's signatures. Miss Hall is a notary public, and will notarize them. The five minutes begin now." He turned to Barbara. "Miss Dahal, will you assist Ms. Edwards if she needs it? We want her signature to appear normal."

Barbara moved to offer help to Lou, but Lou was able to sign without it. Both women exchanged papers, and signed again. As G.A. had expected, neither made any attempt to read what they were signing. They looked up to see Rose and Robbie with identical satisfied but predatory smiles on their faces, and wondered if they hadn't just made the biggest mistakes of their lives.

They had.

G.A. took two small cases out of his briefcase - the briefcase that Lou and Ed were beginning to view as a veritable cornucopia of surprises, most of them likely to be unpleasant. "These are special contact lenses," he explained. He handed the cases to Barbara. "When Miss Dahal inserts them, you will be temporarily blind, but will appear to the world as if you weren't. So much less noticeable than a blindfold. You will let her insert them."

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