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I am Baaack! Part 4

Not that being a CD like her brother, G.A., would be bad for Jessica, but Joyce had always felt that with Jessica's slender build and delicate features and new feminine disposition, she would make a wonderful full time girl. And, frankly, although Joyce would never say this to Jessica in an attempt to influence her, Jessica was such a perfect addition to Vaingirls that she didn't want her going off and doing something else, femme or drab!

It wasn't that Steve was glammed to the max; that would have made him look like a drag queen, a very very passable drag queen to be sure, but still a Ru Paul-type drag queen. No, Stephanie was dressed rather conservatively in a tiger print knee length dress with two-inch-heeled black pumps. The outfit, while not blaring out her sexuality, showed to advantage her very feminine figure. A modest gold chain around her neck, small gold stud earrings, a few gold bracelets on one wrist and a lady's gold watch on the other completed her accessories. Her hair was curly red swept back into a ponytail and held with a black bow, and her lip color and the color of her sensible length nails matched. In other words, she was the very picture of a young office girl. Yes, young, for she seemed to have dropped twenty years and appeared only a little older than her daughter.


"Well, hello, dear, don't you look lovely today!" The voice and gestures were undeniably feminine. Then, with a radical change in body language and in a just as undeniably masculine voice, "Well, Jess, whaddaya think of ol' dad?"


Steve laughed, and then was back to Stephanie again. "Yes, dear, it's me. Put your tongue back in your mouth, it's not very ladylike." She took pity on her daughter and explained. "We think Lou and Ed are the only ones in Chicago producing femme slaves for Joan. We also believe that there's one in the works, one Robert Saunders, now working as Louise's office secretary.

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