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I am Baaack! Part 13

Jessica never saw them. She assumed that Elizabeth and Bethany, after delivering lunch to Lou and Ed, were in the salon cleaning up from the last makeover. When she finally went into the salon to ask them a question, found them missing, searched and discovered them just regaining consciousness in the Lou and Ed-less cell, and called Joyce, it was almost too late.


Joyce threw her cell phone down on the floor of the car, shouted, "DAMN!" and grabbed it up again. "Karen, get this bucket of bolts moving!" she shouted as she clicked speed dial. "Whip and Cuff Club. Drop G.A. and Salielah at the front. Barbara!" she spoke urgently into the phone. "We need to go up, fast! Lou and Ed are loose, and they are on their way to the Club - no, probably already there. They must have a hidey-hole in the building. As far as I know, they don't know Joan, Dainie, and Robbie are there, but if they see Jack, he'll tell 'em; he's no reason not too. Wait, 'cause I'm dropping G.A. and Salielah with you. Rose, Steve and I'll go up the back!"

As she finished speaking, Karen squealed to a halt in front of the club, and G.A. and Salielah jumped out, joining Barbara on the sidewalk. As the van pulled away, they could all see the the two ladies drawing their weapons as they entered the building. G.A. never carried a gun. Joyce gave instructions to Karen as they circled the building. "Stay in the van, keep it running. Call Jessica and tell her to get her butt in gear and bring the Vaingirls' van up here quick. Tell her I know all about her little 'secret' Glockenspiel 7mm; tell her to bring it, but not to come up unless one of us calls. Keep your phone on and ready. Rose is in charge once we're upstairs, but I am for now because I know the building." She glanced at Rose, who nodded her confirmation; then she turned her attention back to Karen. "Are you armed?"

Karen reached under the dash and pulled out what apparently was the females' weapon of choice that year, a Glockenspiel 7mm. "G.A. doesn't know I have it. I have a tazer in my purse, also."

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