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Happy Birthday Baby

I lit the 2 tapered candles in the middle of the table and went to grab the bottle of wine out of the fridge. As I set the bottle on the table I heard Brian's car pull into the driveway. I rushed to the front door eager to welcome him in. I opened the front door as he walked up and saw that it was just beginning to rain. I jumped on him wrapping my arms around his neck telling him how happy I was to see him. He wrapped his arms tightly around me giving my ass a little squeeze making me giggle as he kissed me.

He took my hand as I led him into the dining room telling him I had made dinner. I motioned for him to sit as I poured 2 glasses of wine before returning to the kitchen for the food. As I returned he was refilling his glass and looked me over as I set the food down on the table. I sat down in the chair beside him as he told me it looked great and I had done wonderfully. I smiled at his compliment as he began shoveling food onto his plate.

We made small talk about our day as he kept glancing over at me telling me how beautiful and sexy I was, each time making me blush. When we were finished eating I began clearing the dishes from the table and he asked if I would grab him a beer, I bent over beside him kissing him saying, "Of course, anything for the birthday boy."

I grabbed him a beer out of the fridge and unscrewed the cap before giving it to him. I went back to the kitchen and returned a moment later with the cake and 2 plates. He giggled as I sang a short version of happy birthday to him and set it down in front of him. He looked t the cake and said "Wow, you went all out, didn't you?"

I smiled as I sat back in my chair and told him to cut the cake. He leaned over and kissed me saying he was lucky and happy to have a wonderful girl like me cook and bake for his birthday. He kissed me again even deeper sliding his tongue into my mouth and I teased it with mine. I pulled away smiling saying you haven't even gotten to the best part yet. This made him giggle as he cut two pieces and placed them on the plates. As he handed me mine I stuck my finger into the icing and smeared it on his cheek before licking it off. This made him laugh as he put a piece into his mouth.

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