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Guard Duty

Susan followed the guard's instruction, and the alarm shrieked again.

"Do you have anything metal on your person?" the guard asked.

Susan couldn't bring herself to mention the ring through her genitals. She shook her head.

"No belt buckle or cigarette lighter or watch?" the guard inquired.


The guard reset the alarm. "Try again."

Once more, the alarm sounded.

The guard held an open hand toward Susan. "I'm afraid you'll have to come with me."

Susan stepped toward the guard, and the sentinel's hand closed upon Susan's bicep.

"Where are we going?" Susan asked.

"Come with me," the guard answered.

She led Susan to a small, well lit room, containing only a few wall lockers, a small table, and two straight-backed chair, closing the door behind them. She regarded Susan impassively as she advised her, "I'm going to have to strip search you."

Susan's eyes widened. Her mouth gaped. "What?"

"Take off your clothes, please, starting with your blouse."

Susan was not an aggressive or assertive woman. There was nothing forceful about her. Instead, she was submissive, acquiescent, compliant. Years of physical abuse at the hands of her father and years of sexual and physical abuse at the hands of Madame Sharon had made her as pliable and supple as a mindless willow branch. She wanted only to please others, especially her mistress, no matter the pain or the misery or the distress she might have to endure to do so. Without a word of protest, with her eyes downcast, she did as she'd been commanded, unbuttoning the silk lavender blouse, pulling first one arm and then the other from its respective long sleeve, and draping the expensive item over the back of a chair.

"Now the bra," the guard ordered.

Dutifully, Susan reached behind her back, unfastened the clasp, and shrugged out of the garment, hanging it on the back of the chair, with the blouse. She blushed as she saw the guard stare lustfully at her perfect, high, round breasts. The small room was chilly, and the cold temperature, as well as the guard's ogling gaze, made Susan's nipples stiffen within the center of her puffy areolas.

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